Halloween Costume Political Correctness on Campus

Pregnant nun costume is funny. An impossible mash up of cultures, beliefs, religion all wrapped up one. Dry humor at its best.


I know of some Christian fundamentalist churches and individuals who strongly disapprove of Halloween because they associate it with the occult/witchcraft and would go so far as to strongly discourage or even ban their congregation/family members from participating in it.

Many of the churches my Christian fundamentalist relatives attended hold this perspective.

Many of those churches would hold such cutesie harvest festival parties…cept there were no costumes. Instead, it was a tame party with a strong emphasis on praying for those “taken in by the devil” because they were participating in Halloween celebrations in some way.

I wonder, why “witch” is still OK? It is a clean insensitivity to pagans - most religiously persecuted group of people.

When my hubby forgets to get a haircut, his own hair looks like afro. Specifically, he looks like a white person with afro wig. (he is Latino). He was stopped once by the PC “police” on the campus.

@californiaaa do you want to see the photo? These kids were white as chalk and they put on blackface to make them look extremely dark (think Birth of a Nation)…I honestly don’t see what your anecdote has to do with my comment. This wasn’t accidental.

The actual caption dealt with black men going after “snowbunnies”

Wow, the weirdest coincidence yesterday. I bumped into the same 2 Mormon missionaries who were proselytizing to me on a public bus a couple of weeks ago. I apologized to them for not attending the LDS Halloween they invited me to.

When I was walking away from them, I was wondering whether dressing up as a Mormon missionary (white short-sleeved shirt, necktie, name tag, backpack) as a Halloween costume is culturally insensitive.

"“One branch of my family thinks that dressing up as ghosts, zombies, or the like is offensive because to them it symbolizes the occult.”

@pizzagirl But is that offensive to them, or just something they care not to think about? There’s a difference, to me."

I think they would ban halloween costumes if they could. They think that evil spirits and satan are real, so I would say it is well beyond just not wanting to think about it. There really is no reasoning with people like that. They are generally offended by popular culture.

There’s a difference between being offended by a costume and thinking that Halloween itself is a bad day. Our Halloween is a bad day neighbors were also opposed to Harry Potter (not the kids, just the parents).

The evangelical churches my fundamentalist Christian relatives belonged to also strongly disapproved of Harry Potter and advised parents to ban their kids from having the books in the house or allowing their kids to see the movies. Yes, they are that over-the-top about it.

Harry Potter costumes mock myopia

I digress into another area of kiddieland, but a critic complained the new Charlie Brown movie should have been updated, such as by having Charlie have a black girlfriend. I just have to ask any African American posters out there if that would actually be something they would want to see? It seems to me that scenario could open a whole other can of worms/racism…

Why would we assume that the little red-headed girl is white? (Unless they’ve started showing her, which would be awful.)

I’ll leave it to others to argue whether films should be considered part of the canon, but the little red-headed girl has appeared in earlier films and is Caucasian in those depictions.

I was afraid of that. Is nothing sacred? Will Charlie Brown kick the football in the new movie?

Is Snoopy really a girl?

^^^Snoopy is beyond such simple human social constructs like gender and race…

It’s interesting because one of the things that really struck me was how few minorities there are in Peanuts. But I think it’s helpful to place it into context, as the strip started in the 1950s. In some sense, it was actually quite progressive with the introduction of Franklin. I suspect if many of you were around during then, you would be complaining about this, possibly even calling Charles Schulz a “SJW.”

This PC costume stuff is ridiculous. My son was Pablo Escobar. Is that insulting to Columbians? If that is the case, then you really can’t dress up as anything.

Geisha has been mentioned a few times. Are we really supposed to pretend that geisha has only been sexualized in the West, and that in Japan real geishas have no sexual context, but only tell witty jokes and sing songs (to drunk rich guys)?

I know the perfect costume. Wear khaki pants, khaki shirt, face paint the same shade of khaki, with a khaki colored gender neutral wig. This depicts our future outfits for everyone if we all continue to try to avoid any possibility of offense in every case. Very scary.