
<p>Just had a darling little child come to my door and say Roll Tide! I gave him the whole bowl of candy. :)</p>

<p>That is hilarious! :slight_smile: If we had not taken our Alabama flag down because of Sandy, maybe we would have gotten a “Roll Tide” - SHUCKS!</p>

<p>Hope you weathered the storm okay, ProudBamaMama. The in-laws live in Pittsburgh, so we have been glued to the news. Were the kiddos able to get out tonight in your neck of the woods?</p>

<p>^^^ Thanks for asking! We were lucky this time. We had wind and lots of rain, but no major issues. We missed two days of school and our town’s Halloween parade was canceled.Trick or treat went on as planned last night. Whew! :-)</p>

<p>Had a few kids with New York Jets jerseys. One was Joe Namath. He got an extra kit kat and a roll tide from me.</p>

<p>Strong wind and rain/snow mix for 5 days in Pittsburgh, but thankfully dodged the worst of it. Trick or treat has been rescheduled for Saturday. Younger D will be dressed as… what else?.. a crazed Alabama fan!</p>