<p>What you guys/gals gonna be for Halloween? I didn't go out last year because I was too lazy but since I'm a senior this year I figure I might as well go out one last year before people start looking at me weird since I'd be a college-age student getting candy!</p>
<p>I didn't know what I was gonna be until I started reading the latest issue of EPSN The Mag. Inside is a Burger King ad to be the Subserviant Chicken for Halloween, so I'm gonna be that! haha</p>
<p>I'm going to be a girl-who-isn't-trick-or-treating-because-her-neighbors-hate-children-parading-in-the-night-begging-for-candy-dressed-as-Power-Rangers-and-then-throw-rocks-at-the-kids-who-is-just-going-to-hand-out-candy-to-all-2-of-the-trick-or-treaters-who-will-pass-by-her-house.</p>
<p>I might put a sheet over my head and cut out two holes and pretend I'm a scary ghost. Then, I'll stain it red by mixing some red Kool-Aid and staining the sheet. When a Harry Potter stops by my house on the 31st, he'll be able to call me a 'Bloody Ghost'. :)</p>