I wanted to ask how strong the Classical Languages Department at Hamilton College is. I am applying there and remember reading that the college has a strong department, but I cannot remember why the college was considered strong in it. Thank you!
Hamilton’s classics department is of particular note for having had the American Journal of Philology centered there when that publication, for the only time in 137 years of publication, chose a liberal arts college professor (at Hamilton) as its principal editor.
Breadth and depth of offerings will be an important consideration when comparing colleges, and should be considered thoughtfully:
My DD is a senior at Hamilton minoring in Classics. The department is small, but truly excellent. The professors are highly respected and easily accessible. My daughter has enjoyed being able to customize her learning via independent study, while her best friend had the opportunity to do research abroad with a professor over the summer. The two studied different classical languages, took many courses appropriate to their varying interests, and rarely crossed paths after that first year in which they both fell in love with Classics. Good luck!