Hampshire “Seeking Partner”

As opposed to now, when the prevailing perception is that of declining opportunity for each future generation, who must run harder and focus on practical matters just to stay where their parents were.

“Evergreen State’s curriculum is different from Hampshire’s curriculum. Specifically, it is a completely open curriculum for the BA degree.”

Yes, Evergreen and Hampshire differ in various ways. We investigated that rather thoroughly before deciding to pay the much higher tuition at Hampshire, vs. being an in-state 'Greener. It is indeed true that a student could earn a Bachelor’s degree from Evergreen by simply accumulating the proper number of credits, in contrast to Hampshire’s requirement that a student develop a concentration in concert with a committee. I’m still a little unclear about that, but I do know kids who graduated from Evergreen with an impressive transcript. Some other have a deeply unimpressive transcript that leaves me wondering what they will possibly do with that degree.

I wasn’t suggesting that Hampshire adopt Evergreen’s curriculum, I was just noting that a Hampshire-‘style’ college exists in a state-funded system.

Some employers prefer applicants with bachelor’s degrees even for jobs where the general or major-specific knowledge or skills signaled by a bachelor’s degree are not needed (credential creep). Students with unimpressive transcripts (from any college where that is possible) may be just doing the minimum needed to attain the credential.

Interesting article on this - https://www.insidehighered.com/admissions/views/2019/01/22/hampshire-college-deserves-praise-its-honesty-and-diversity-it-brings

Although it should release any ED admits from the commitment to attend and not apply to other colleges, if it has not already done so.

@ucbalumnus : The article referred to in post #103 in this thread states that ED admits have been released from their commitment to attend Hampshire College.

And some of the EDs still want to come. I guess if they are willing to transfer if it doesn’t work out for the college, that might happen.

@Publisher That’s true - but the announcement came on the afternoon of the last day of the application cycle for many schools, and two weeks after the deadline for many. That limits the pool of colleges who would admit a student, even if they could scramble an application on a couple of hours’ notice - and gives very little time for CSSProfile info etc

Thank you all for the discussion. My kid is actually one of the ED’s now dealing with these unexpected developments. She had also received the Humanitas award which is Hampshire’s largest merit scholarship. We do not qualify for any aid and she applied ED so they had a guaranteed full pay student. Still they rewarded her with a merit scholarship despite their now-obvious financial difficulties. (Seems kind of refreshing considering how jaded higher ed seems to be in terms of money.) My kid is also one who has written to let Hampshire know that she still wants to attend if they would accept a fall 2019 class. They have released her from her obligation and are helping her submit applications to other schools with their strong endorsement. It’s very hard thinking you have your future decided and you’ve found a school that values you and your goals only to have it taken away so suddenly… I guess we’ll have to wait for developments to know if Hampshire will stay the kind of school my daughter would want to attend.

@rfm512 Welcome to College Confidential! And I’m sorry to hear that you are thrust into this difficult situation.

I find it at least heartening to know that Hampshire is assisting with your application process – or at least offered to do so. They seem to be true to their ideals of being honorable. I’m also happy to know that you are thinking of staying with Hampshire. I have a young relative who has applied RD to Hampshire and is currently planning a trip there to explain to them that despite their possible merger and changed mission, s/he still wants to attend. Hampshire is./was his/her first choice. This person feels that with great change, there is the potential for great opportunity, as difficult as change can also be.

Best of luck to you.

When Sweet Briar announced possible closure after admissions deadlines had passed a couple of years ago, quite a few colleges stepped up to accept late apps explicitly from their applicant pool. It was later than this on the admissions cycle, I think.

@Dustyfeathers Thank you for your comments! My daughter also has a close friend who applied RD and would still be interested as well. Best of luck to your relative! Hopefully this difficult time will pass quickly and we’ll know the ultimate decision for next fall…

I’m sorry for you daughter. What a rocky ride-hopefully she will find another school that suits her. What other schools is she considering?

@dadof2d Thank you for your concern. My daughter is primarily interested in clinical and forensic psych as well as sociology. For that reason, Clark Univ with its very reputable psych program and The New School (Eugene Lang) with its School for Social Sciences and it’s BA/MA program are the other programs she is interested in. They have both been very helpful in accepting last minute/late applications so we are hoping for the best. That being said, if Hampshire accepts a freshman class and the program is similar in spirit and ideals, my guess is she will still want to attend.

Our son applied to Hampshire early action. We were notified by email about the possibility about Hampshire not enrolling a freshman class on Jan 15. Fortunately, he is not in the same situation as those admitted ED. However, this situation is weighing heavily on our son. For many reasons, he sees Hampshire as a good fit for him. Fortunately, he has been admitted to the two other schools to which he applied. If Hampshire decides to admit a freshman class and if he is accepted, I am unsure about what he will decide. Similar to the child of @rfm512 and her friend and others who have posted on here, there are very specific reasons our children applied to Hampshire that, in most cases, could not be met by other schools. I am rooting for Hampshire and our kids!

Keep us updated, @dhermanhbgpa It would be great to know the outcome.

Best wishes and sending good vibes, prayers to all Hampshire 2023 admits. Also to the dedicated staff! My granddaughter was accepted ED and is now scurrying towards alternatives. Hampshire staff have been very Helpful!

Announcement due today regarding enrollment (or not) of 2019 freshman class. Jon Krakauer, an alum, penned this NY Times op-ed yesterday. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/31/opinion/higher-education-hampshire-college-.html

Just adding insult to injury… I called the college this morning to ask what time we would be told of the decision today. I know the board was scheduled to vote yesterday so I assumed we would know first thing today. They however will not be informing us of the decision until after 4pm this afternoon. My daughter was accepted ED and Hampshire was her first choice by far. We’ve spent the last two weeks hurriedly trying to submit applications to other schools. Already leaving them in limbo for over two weeks and now this… It’s hard to believe this is even happening.

@rfm512 I feel for you. Hang in there! I know it’s very hard to wait. What a difficult time for you.