Hampshire's New President

Hampshire College just announced their new President, Miriam ‘Mim’ Nelson, currently Director of the Sustainability Institute at the University of New Hampshire:

"• Served for 25 years on the faculty (of Tufts University), most recently as associate dean and professor, and was a dedicated teacher and mentor to students. She was chair of the faculty at Tisch College of Civic Life, devoted to building an enduring culture of active citizenship across the university, and founded the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion;

• Published over 100 scholarly papers and presented at hundreds of conferences nationally and overseas;

• Was health and nutrition adviser to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. She was a senior adviser to Michael Pollan’s Emmy-nominated documentary In Defense of Food and chief scientific adviser to PBS NOVA’s Marathon Challenge film.

• Authored the New York Times bestselling ten-book series Strong Women, based on the findings of a 1994 study she led, with more than a million books in print in 14 languages. The work has contributed to changing the culture and values of how mid-life and older women perceive themselves in society.

• Secured tens of millions of dollars in resources from donors and funding agencies to support students, faculty, and programs."