Happy 2009

<p>Just wanted to say Happy '09 to all.</p>

<p>Let's hope it's a good one.
One more year and it'll be a decade since the Y2K freakout!</p>

<p>HAPPY '09… lol i so wanted to be in Times Square</p>

<p>I have a feeling 09 will be even worse. I think things will start to get better in '10 and '11. Just my gut.</p>

<p>i think '09 is going to be good for me but if i say it’s going to be good than it comes out to be worse</p>

<p>I’m probably with you LMU10.</p>

<p>We must live it up in 2009-2011, because we’re all going to die on December 21st, 2012.</p>

<p>Ugh, it’s a new year. But everything’s the same. Terrible.</p>

<p>This will be a good year because I’m going to college and have the summer before! You should celebrate the next couple years though…</p>

<p>I can’t wait for Chinese New Year :D</p>

<p>this is gona be the busiest year of my high school</p>

<p>lol I marched the Rose Parade today and some planes wrote “Happy 2009” in the sky.</p>

<p>its still 2008 here</p>

<p>2009 is going to be awesome… can someone say COLLEGE!!!</p>

<p>Happy 2009!
it’s gonna be the busiest year for me :(</p>

<p>'09, my graduation year is finally here…and i’m so excited, nervous and just antsy about the year to come. hopefully it will be loads better than last year.</p>