Happy MLK day, any people of color on this forum?

<p>Happy MLK day, any people of color on this forum?</p>

<p>Of course it's mainly known as a day off (no school today) or a holiday for afro-americans, i believe King was thinking of a tapestry of color/culture in addition to black-liberation.</p>

<p>Considering the war/terrorism/dept homeland security and what it means to be an American, anybody want to share their ethnic backgrounds and what multiculturalism means to them heading into ones first year of college?</p>

<p>Thank you very much, Kalidescope for the happy MLK day</p>

<p>As I head to college I affirm and proudly take pride in my African American heritage, but still remember that I; that my beliefs and actions are the way people should perceive me and not typecast me because of the color of my skin. Because of MLK I have hope that my generation will continue the tradition of tolerance and acceptance of people of different ethnicities and races and will continue to break down the walls people put because of cultural differences. </p>

<p>Multiculturalism means and acceptance and growth, multiculturalism means accepting people without any consideration of their ethinic or racial background.</p>

<p>Happy MLK Jr day!!
We didn't get off school today, but we had a speaker come in who impersonated Fredirick Douglass and it was pretty cool.</p>

<p>everyone is suposed to get off school!</p>

<p>I agree. It's a NATIONAL holiday commerating a great man who helped us blacks, as well as all other minorities, racial, gender, ethnic and otherwise to be treated equal. I thought you HAD to have the school day off</p>