Happy to answer questions about Deerfield Academy!

You can call home whenever you would like - just not in the middle of class or when you are on the field :hugs:

Deerfield is planning visit days/day - I think March 29th - please check with Admissions on this outdoor event - but at least you can see campus and get more information!

These are all good questions you are asking. If you get sick, the dorm parent or RA/Proctor is there to help. If you need to go to the health center, there is a nurse/nurses there on site 24/7. Our school also has it’s own physician on campus. At DA there is a brand new beautiful health center. If you need to go home at any Boarding School, there are policies in place for that. Some students need to take a medical leave of absence. There have been previous posts on this topic on CC, so it is not uncommon.

Homework: Nobody is standing over you watching you do your work. Students at BS are independent. You need to manage your time - which is one of the biggest things students learn when they go to boarding school! Sophomores don’t have the same “study” hours as freshman. I think some schools ask students not to use their phones during study hours.

What if you’re overwhelmed? Every school I know has a policy for this, so please be assured that there is support and anticipation of students’ needs wherever you go. I can tell you what happens at DA from personal experience. When we had a close relative who was very sick, Kiddo literally got sick with worry and felt overwhelmed. The dorm parent was told and gave Kiddo a “homework pass” so that there could be a day off from school and/or extensions on the homework. Other kids we know have had medical extensions - from feeling sick and/or if just too tired. Don’t worry, please - schools know that you all are teens and go through stuff!!

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Hi there @victoriavictoria - in past years, it seems that they go to the WL after April 10. Some students may hear as late as June/July.

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Thank you so much again for all of the thorough answers I really appreciate it!! It definitely helps with the decision making!

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Yes - I believe that DA is your best choice for lax AND school. No comparison in school cultures, community, amenities and leadership. Do you want a school where if there is an issue or concern or suggestion, you can get the HOS on the phone? That’s Deerfield. Plus - it’s the ultimate “Brand” for lacrosse. You think of boarding school and lacrosse, what school comes to mind?

Lastly, remember my mantra: You are not sending your child to a school - rather, you are sending your child to people. Think of that while making your decision.

Sorry - I was emailing someone else! But this is still good information to know!!

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Link to Deerfield Days video for our newly accepted students!

Congratulations to everyone!


I got a full ride from Deerfield! Can you tell me more about research opportunities at DA?


Thank you for the help! This definitely gives me hope :slight_smile:

Happy to help @filledoree 

Can you tell me about area for interest for research?Bio, Engineering, etc?

Physics, Economics, and Social Sciences. Though I am also interested in Bio, Computer Science and Engineering

@filledoree - I do know of students (including my own ) who has done research in Bio and Engineering. The Academic Dean was a Bio-Engineering faculty member at a well-known institution in Boston, so this is their particular interest. You can ask to be connected to that department for more information. I believe that this year (even during COVID) everyone in AP Bio had a research project as part of their class. One Senior I know did an engineering project and another I know developed an APP this year. In the past, the school had an electrical engineering course/EC where students worked on electric cars. There is an active robotics group also.

Sounds great, thanks!

Hello, this has been a very helpful thread! Our son has decided to attend Deerfield and we think it will be a great fit for him! He will be repeating his Sophmore year so he can ease into the vigors of BS after the unexpected passing of his father this past year.
One of things important to our family has been our church community. I know that Deerfield does not have a chapel. Do any of the students attend church on Sunday at nearby churches. We are hoping he can find a church he can go to even if just occasionally.



Yes - there is a beautiful and historic church on the campus that is not affiliated with the school - but it is very welcoming to students. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. We have attended with our kiddo. There is also a Christian Fellowship group that meets (I think once a week or every other week at nights). Snacks are served.

Thank you Golfgr8! What a year it has been. I am happy to hear about the church on campus and the fellowship group. I think he will enjoy both!


Yes - we can connect when it’s time for school and get our kids together. My kiddo has attended the Fellowship group. Also, there are other wonderful student groups on campus to make friends.

Thank you!!

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There was an article in Boston Globe a couple of years ago - ‘Better dead than coed’: Deerfield Academy confronts its male-only past - The Boston Globe

Can Deerfield students or parents please comment if the gender issues still exist at Deerfield?

Good question! Thanks for brining it up! We could start a thread on this topic that covers every Co-Ed boarding school IMHO. I will share what I know as a parent after have spoken with other parents, as well as their daughters, and female faculty members at various prep schools.

The provocative title was from an article published in early January of 2019. Actually, the main focus/purpose of the article was to bring attention to a big lawsuit brought against the school by a former female instructor and swim coach. Thank you for posting the link. Somewhere in the CC archives there may even be a link to the complaint (as I read it). This was more about grievances against a male coach and the way in which the administration at the time responded to the situation. I don’t think the article was as much about gender issues as it was about the law suit. But, I do believe gender issues exist at ALL SCHOOLS. Let’s be real.

Do I think there are several traditional co-ed boarding schools where boys are perceived as having more status and also seem to be the bigger Harkness Hogs? Yes. There are some impolite, immature, TEENS at any high school - it just seems more glaring at elite boarding schools by the way in which they do it. I am disappointed that boys are not called out more often for “mansplaining”, interrupting conversations, objectifying women, or seeming to get away with a lot of jerky behavior.
My kiddo reports that boys sit on one side of the table and girls on the other. It also seems like the boys sports have greater attendance (except for girls volleyball) than the girls sports. There seems like there is more hype about boys sports, also.

Honestly - if you have a daughter - tell her to not lose her voice around the table, on the playing field, at the dining table, or anywhere else on campus. Make your voice stronger. Be prepared to be with some boys who have already been to JBS and seem to have an even greater hubris than other boys their age about campus life. Be prepared to also be with boys from other cultures/countries where girls do not have the same respect as our girls have here. This is something we had personal knowledge about with 2 boys in physics speaking over and about Kiddo in their language. Gotcha! Kiddo had studied that language since Kindergarten and let them know it.

IMHO there needs to be greater dialogue regarding behavioral expectations and respect in class, in dorms and throughout campus. It’s amazing how “smart” kids can be so stupid - but hey - they are teens.
Sometimes, I feel their behaviors reflect their entitled parents and/or lack of parenting. There seems to be less communication between girls and boys with so much texting, scrolling, social media, snap-chatting, etc. Do they even talk to each other in person? There are subtle digs at girls from boys - but I do not think it is unique to DA. I think there is sexism, disrespect and arrogance that is rampant at all boarding schools.

This goes on at all schools and it’s not just because a school used to be all- boys. I am not going to give them that excuse. It’s too late for it. Last summer, a SPS woman another book was written about a sexual assault at SPS 30 years ago. What is relevant is this: The school representative- new HOS? (Kathy) still takes the approach of “We are listening and learning”. I wish she would have been more decisive or assertive in her response. I suggest watching this if you are a new parent of any boarding school - especially @ 19:00 - 26:00 mark in the video. The author of the book speaks about entitlement and how some students believe rules don’t apply to them. This has not changed much IMHO from when she was a student.
This video provides a good platform upon which to have an authentic and honest conversation with your daughters about many issues at boarding school.


@Golfgr8 - that is a really great discussion. Thank you for posting it.

I agree that gender issues exist at all high schools, and because boarding school students live on campus they should be discussed with our children thoughtfully and in depth.

All of the schools are grappling with gender and race right now. Some are farther along the path, some maybe have different approaches. As a parent is is totally appropriate for you to find out what programs the school has is place or is developing around sexuality, bias, class participation, discipline, reporting, support, all of it.

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