Happy to answer questions about Deerfield Academy!

Is Deerfield campus closed to visitors?

Hello @G07b10 - Thanks for asking! Please contact the Admissions department on Monday and ask about an Outdoor Revisit. I heard that this was being planned. To my knowledge, the campus is “closed” but IMHO the Village of Deerfield is public, Main Street is public, and the Deerfield Inn is open. You can drive or walk down Main Street - not sure if security is stopping people from walking around the campus. Right now its Spring Break so nobody is on campus
but there is activity in the Village -

@G07b10 The webpage for newly admitted students has a link to register for in person tours the week of 3/29. We live too far away to do so, and have not clicked the link to see what is included, but it appears that you can visit in person if you sign up through the link.

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Thank you @Golfgr8 @AnonMomof2

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After DA changing to the new course schedule (ie 2-3 classes 60-90 minutes long), how many free periods do students get? Do students get a break within a period?

I just paid kiddo’s deposit. Is there a Facebook group for Deerfield parents?


Welcome to Deerfield @AnonMomof2!!

There is Deerfield Family Network - emails should be sent out next month
you will also get a parent-host family and a Green Key for your kiddo. Feel free to DM me to connect.

Hi there @cathylin - the new system will allow for an extended time between I believe
FWIW - this year, my kiddo had a 10 minute break time in her classes. Not sure what teachers will do next year. The classes will alternate days, so you won’t have all your courses on the same day. Wednesdays are half days.

In non-Covid time, do any fall sports return to campus early?

Did you see this? It’s posted on DA webpage as is a good basic visual. (I’m not a current parent, but I was investigating the new teaching schedule to see what they were planning on replacing the current block schedule)


So three classes per day. It looks like Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri have 3x90 minutes, Weds have 3x60 minutes. DA hasn’t yet posted start or finish time.
But hazarding a guess 8:30am-2:30pm teaching block (6 hours) with 4.5 hours of class gives maybe an hour for lunch and half an hour “community time” between class 1 and 2.

If your kid is taking 6 classes, then no free periods. If they’re taking 5 then, yes one free period.

During the parent zoom the other night they said classes would run from 8:30-3:15- not sure what the extra time in there would be

I listened to that zoom, clearly I missed the part about the class timing. Thank you.

I didn’t miss the “60-90 minutes of homework per class per night” though. Hopefully each class doesn’t decide it’s at the 90 minute end of the spectrum on the same night, every night!


Is campus open to visitors? The school website doesn’t say no.

DD has a vball game this Saturday not too far from school. Wondering if we can swing by and walk around.

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My kid heard the 60-90 minutes of homework part too and is a bit nervous. I said then she probably wants to take 5 and not 6 classes so as to have a study hall period. Since she’s a repeat Junior and could almost graduate credit-wise at the end of this school year- she will have some flexibility.

There are in-person tours being scheduled next week. I would call and ask about a self guided walking tour outdoors.

Call the school and see about self-guided tours
you can always drive down Main Street and they may let you drive down Albany Road. The Deerfield Inn is open! Great food and bar - order their Deerfield Martini if you like pickles.

Thank you!

Yep - I would consider taking 5 and not 6 courses . Even repeat Juniors have intense work loads.

OK. Kiddo had some questions on course selection. There isn’t really too much to choose from as a freshman since it’s fairly prescribed, and that’s ok and expected.

Firstly, are your kids who are doing this just going off the descriptions in the course catalogs or are they talking to anyone at the school, in the academic office, siblings, current students etc? Kiddo would love some insight. It would be good to hear the unofficial scoop like: you can’t miss this course, the homework is a killer, it’s a DA fave, the professor is amazing (or dire!), etc.

So DA gives the choice of Art/ethics or History in Freshman and Sophomore years. Logic says that History has more reading and writing. Is it better to do History as a Sophomore since (hopefully) writing will be more developed and improved, and take art electives as a freshman?
Or dive in and do History as a freshman and save art electives for Sophmore year to balance out some of the other, harder sophomore classes?

Kiddo had more specific questions like choosing between the different histories choices, but mostly the discussion is history or art as a freshman. Thoughts from someone who has been there, done that please?

My DD will be a repeat Jr. which created questions about what is required, so I did email the contact in the portal. Also, when she got accepted, a current Junior emailed her- I guess the school gave her my DD’s email address- and she has been texting with her about classes. There was also a mom that reached out to me, but I only spoke with her once. The student my DD has been communicating with is also in the dance program so she seems to be someone she has connected with. Did a current student reach out to yours shortly after acceptances?

Thanks for letting me know about your experience.

Kiddo had a ton of kids reach out between M10 and A10, offering assistance when still uncommitted. But no one has officially contacted us since A10.

I know that kiddo is supposed to be assigned a ‘green key’ student but I’m unsure if that’ll be before the course choosing deadline. I’m guessing that kiddo will prob just go with a gut feel (I think that means art as a Freshman, history as a sophomore, or at least that is what it was last night).

But thanks anyway.