<p>hi, hope you all won’t mind a reply from an <em>ahem</em> ANCIENT Chicago alum lol
(class of 1983…some of my Profs are still teaching there believe it or not!
Altho’ I was at Chicago a long time ago, I don’t think fundamentally that the philosophy of the school has changed over the years, and I’d like to think the same of the students
<p>Without a doubt, the classes at Chicago are very rigorous and intellectually challenging. I have never been that challenged in my life, not even since then. Immediately you are reading texts, having discussions, doing homework. No lollygagging even at the beginning. BUT…it is invigorating and exciting! With the exception of my astrophysics class which was way over my level (& I changed to another science class) because I didn’t have enough high school prep, broadly speaking, all of the classes were challenging. For those in my major, English, challenging in a different sort of way. But ultimately I was able to handle the workload and the challenges and I know that every student that is admitted to Chicago will be able to handle it as well. </p>
<p>I think you will love the small, discussion style format with your fellow students and professors. You will really get to know each other well in classes as well as your professors, Chicago is a very personal experience that way. With rare exceptions, I felt like all of us loved The Life of the Mind, lively discussions, difficult ideas, and did NOT undermine each other. We had out of class study groups to prepare for tests and we bounced ideas off each other for papers. We would critique papers from friends & classmates when we got a lower than expected grade. </p>
<p>I think the most difficult thing for me, personally, at Chicago was suddenly I wasn’t the smartest student in the school.
All of a sudden I was surrounded by fellow students who were also the smartest students in their schools! That was a difficult adjustment at first to ones ego but you get used to it and realize you still have something to contribute
But that is what makes Chicago such an exciting University to attend…lively discussions with bright fellow students, engaged professors who care about their students.</p>
<p>In a word, I would say: RELAX. I think you will all be FINE. You have demonstrated w/your high school credentials that you have the capability for this level of work. It will be an adjustment period of course, but you will all be FINE. Don’t worry, Chicago is challenging but in a wonderful, exciting way! You will hone your writing and analytical skills to a degree you never thought possible. And…all against the backdrop of the exciting city of Chicago! Good luck to you all, I know you will all do great!</p>