<p>In terms of application, are these schools the same? At the beginning, I thought so but after reading upon on wiki, it showed the admittance rates were different.</p>
<p>They are two separate parts of the university, which are applied to separately and at different points in one’s educational career. </p>
<p>Harvard (as in Harvard College) is the undergraduate school, for people applying straight out of high school. You get a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) or Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree from Harvard College.</p>
<p>Harvard Law school is a graduate/professional school - people attending Harvard Law have completed college and already have a B.A./B.S. degree.</p>
<p>So basically after four years at harvard college, then the next step is the law school? And also, if you graduate from harvard college, is it guranteed you can go to harvard law school?</p>
<p>You have to apply to attend Harvard Law School, and it is extremely competitive, as the law school is of the same caliber as the college. You get a boost, though, if you attended Harvard as an undergrad. But you aren’t guaranteed to get in even if you went to Harvard College.</p>
<p>And I wouldn’t say that the next step is Harvard Law… obviously not if you don’t want to work in the field of law. Some people want to switch things up a bit by attending a different law school even if they went to Harvard College, though many tend to stay at Harvard.</p>