Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Is that what you are seeing?

yes, but I am also able to see admitted student’s website, conditions for admission, and financial aid info

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What do u mean by source code?

right click on your mouse or trackpad, check options, there will source code somewhere. Do this on the portal

I think everyone has those waitlist and admission forms


Can you post all the forms that appear

I have wait list status = $0. And I have all the elements that others mentioned above as well.

I have these, please verify:- wait-list-status, withdraw-status, huid-number(Harvard University id number), conditions-of-admission, financial-aid-info, admitted-students-website.

Yeah I do

Do you have a $0 symbol in some of these places?

Then I think, this isn’t any sign
These portal myths have made me crazy

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No $0 sign, wbu

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I do have it in some places, at the end of the line, slightly faint.

What do u mean by end of the line, like does it specifically show next to the pointers I mentioned above. Does anyone else has $1?

Sorry, by mistake

Do you have $1 ?

No, I haven’t got anything to do with $ on my portal’s source code

It doesn’t show up on search

Check at the end of the line for each of the elements that you mentioned.

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I just googled the meaning of$0, and it doesn’t mean true or false, but it’s used to return the last used JavaScript object or something. So i don’t think it means anything