Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I can’t withdraw

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could you post a screenshot?

can u post a ss? because for everyone else it says “the withdraw form is currently unavailable” which should indicate a systematic constant not diff for everyone

Screenshot please

you should not be able to withdraw from your portal homepage rn. if you’re going from a saved link I think the form still works but, officially no portal has withdrawal available.

that was the screenshot btw^

did you apply REA?

this was from 10:14 so if you refresh it might change, it was available for me at that time as well

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Time zones exist lol

friend got a likely, we’re on the east coast. I think it’s an indicator if your decision was uploaded.

what’s an indicator?

hm makes sense

i feel as if though “The withdraw form is currently unavailable.” is not an indicator; it implies that it is a systematic event for multiple applicants. if it disappears entirely, however, i think that could potentially mean something.

a thing that indicates something lol


no i know i was asking what the indicator was, is it not being able to withdraw anymore?

dont think so


it probably means that your decision is finalised. I know some schools removed them when they finalised decisions.

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