Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I think you’re a tad bit too late. I drafted mine before decisions came out so when I got deferred I uploaded it that same night

theyre probably uploading decisions by geographic location, starting with east coast because that’s where harvard is. having no withdraw button is probably saying your decision is up

I’m in Europe

withdraw button gone for me- Boston Student

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EXACTLY… I have no idea why I didn’t do this earlier LOL

Button is also gone – South US student

For me the Withdraw Applications section is still there but it says that I cannot withdraw apps at this time. Is that what you’re seeing too??

I heard Ed Sheeran went to Harvard under a pseudonym


withdraw gone, nyc student. w nyu it didnt matter if button was gone or not- mine disappeared and i got in. so i think it does mean ur decision is uploaded but idk if it can be a reliable indicator of acceptance/rejection. also i have 2 addresses.

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Guys I feel like I’m gonna throw up… Idk why I just know that it’s gonna be difficult but this is making me feel sick lol

go eat some vegan waffles


Are they good

has anyone w a likely have their withdraw button disappear? that would be helpful to know

idk i’ve never had them sire
u r the guinea pig here

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I put on my giganourmous Harvard sweatshirt I’ve had for 17 years for good luck ahhhhhhhhhh. Just want to wish everybody the best of luck!!!


wait the withdraw button is back for me omg lmaoooo ig it doesnt mean anything then

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yep withdrawal buttons disappearing don’t usually correlate with results

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it was gone for a hot sec and now its back LOL yeah ig it truly does not mean anything. still says “the withdraw form is currently unavailable”

Are gap years gonna affect admit rates?