Harvard Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

nah I can’t digest anything atm

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for sure


What do you estimate RD acceptance to be for Harvard

no, they said no

they lie >:(

hmmm maybe around 4.2??? Duke was 3 which was quite shocking lol

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idts they’ll have people wanting to take gap years this year again so they’ll take a regular sized class. If they lie anyways we’ll be able to see when they release the CDS for 2021

for northwestern, having a withdraw button correlated to an ED acceptance
but anyways we r all gonna have happy lives
while i was typing this i had a VERY awkward encounter, but like a college rejection, the pain passes

if u guys applied to multiple ivies - what order r u opening them in td

i dont have a “button” per say, the option is there it just says the form is unavailable. so idk but i SURE hope so bestie

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I literally can’t decide

The fact we get heart broken by colleges instead of our gfs or bfs is saddening


First opening Princeton then Harvard

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harvard first, then princeton, then yale


yale because i got deferred and need closure, harvard, columbia, princeton last because i have the least amount of hope for that one


yes we r besties

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i am opening in order of least confidence to most confidence so …
princeton, harvard, yale, brown, cornell

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saving the best for last, so Princeton, Yale, Brown then Harvard

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I applied to all ivies, opening yale, brown, dartmouth, cornell, princeton, harvard, upenn, columbia