Harvard Jargon Collection

<p>What is a concentration, and how long are "Harvard" semesters?
I am an undergrad student who is interested in applying to Harvard for grad school.</p>

<p>As far as I know, concentration is just a term for undergrads which is equivalent to “major.” Unless some grad programs have tracks or something that they call concentrations?</p>

<p>@DEH: Are there any one-year master programs at Harvard, other than the School of Education?</p>

<p>@Haft, haven’t you had this question answered like eight times already?</p>


I asked the above question three times, and got it answered once (right before I posted my last post here.) Haha.</p>

<p>Oh haha k. Was that all the jargon you wanted to know? (Off the top of my head, a minor is a secondary, and a TA s a TF.)</p>