<p>U.Texas > Columbia?</p>
<p>enough said</p>
<p>U.Texas > Columbia?</p>
<p>enough said</p>
<p>by whole school they mean 1 part undergrad 99 part grad.</p>
<p>1/The Times rankings are the only rankings that have any substantial basis to them, because they asked the views of 1300 academics across the globe, to supplment the data collection. By comparison many other rankings are extremely flimsy and rely on surprisingly arbitrary data and judgements. Having said that of course there's a subjective element in every such table.</p>
<p>2/They are not just research rankings, they take in the whole range of university activity.</p>
<p>3/As somebody said, there are thousands of universities in the world. To be in the top 100 is a major achievement. People should not worry about precise placements.</p>