Harvard vs Yale vs Princeton for Econ/CS/Applied Math

Add Stanford.
And Alabama.
Edit: Oops. My bad. Thought OP responded above that she got in to Alabama.

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Go to Penn if you got into Wharton. Stellar program and also the who’s who recruit there.

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Is Alabama a full ride?

(Regardless, what is the COA of each for you?)

That combination of interests you have (econ/CS/applied math) probably means Princeton’s ORFE program is a better fit for you.


Academically, angels dancing on a head of a pin, especially as an entering freshmen among almost all your schools. If we are talking about a speculative future career, there really is not a difference in terms of opportunity/access if you are proactive. Son graduated from Y and is at a BB IB, has good friends in quant, PE, consulting, FANG, and startups as well as basic main street jobs. Plenty of med school, grad school, law school friends.

Your decision should be based on where you feel the most comfortable in terms of weather, urban, suburban, rural, big school, small school, proximity to home and the “vibes” you have gotten on your visits.

Having many friends who went to Harvard, New Haven vs Cambridge/Boston generates a lot of the pluses and minuses. Boston is a great city. Lot’s of things to do and lots of other colleges and young people to mix with. New Haven, not so great, but because of that, social and weekend life is more Yale centric. Some people like the former, others the latter.


The preferred areas of study/concentration probably helped.

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I did not apply to Alabama. The cost is roughly the same for each school.

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Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I will have to get a good feel for each of the schools. That is helpful to know about your son’s experience at Y. Thanks again!!

Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply! What does your daughter think of the social environment at H? Does she enjoy it?

Is it friendly? Overly-competitive?

Thank you so much for your insights! I have only heard amazing things about YSO. Does your daughter like the social climate at Y? Is it friendly or overly-competitive or somewhere in between?

I’m not sure she is the best example. She loves it, is having a blast, and is doing well professionally and academically, too. Some clubs and organizations are tough to get into because if they are there, they are likely pretty talented competing against others likewise talented and not every group can offer unlimited admission. She participates in open events and activities which welcome anyone.

Her H application was a last minute toss in because her apps were in elsewhere several weeks before deadlines. She had never visited and really knew very little about it. In hindsight, it has been a great fit for her. She also loves having the city right there and meets up with friends at area schools. Two of her siblings attended school in one school towns and didn’t have all that a city offers to pull them away from school. She manages it all but you would want to consider what kind of environment would work best for you.

My bad. Someone above had suggested Alabama and that post was followed by one from the OP saying she had received a likely letter and been accepted. I think she was referring to a different school, maybe Duke.

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I think that really depends on you. She gets herself out there and gets involved so she feels welcomed. She is confident in her academic abilities so doesn’t feel as much competition. Not that she doesn’t feel she has to work to keep up but she does what she has to do. Many do feel like “imposters”-like they don’t belong-but I don’t think that is necessarily reality.

Absolutely loved Yale. Found lasting friendships across a wide range of social interests. Felt that it was much more collaborative than competitive. When there were particularly desirable internships available, other students who were applying would tell their friends to apply too, rather than keep things quiet to improve their own chances. Many departments (like Econ) have peer mentorship programs to help students plan their studies and find like minded students to form study/pset groups.


I want to echo tdy123’s comment about the collaborative atmosphere at Yale.

The Freshman Orientation counselors (FroCos) lived in the same residential colleges with their assigned First Year students and organized gatherings throughout all of first year, fostering connections among the residents.

P-sets were collaborative from the start, eliminating academic pressure. Older students were happy to help younger students.

While competition exists for membership in the countless musical performance groups, debate teams, etc, there is always alternative option for those who do not make the ‘first’ team.


Help! What is quant? What is ORFE? What is TCS? What is the Bulge Bracket?
Sorry to be numb but I cant figure those out.

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Quant — someone who uses math / statistics to trade / invest in financial markets

ORFE =Operations research and financial engineering -/ one of the majors at Princeton

TCS = theoretical computer science

Bulge Bracket = informal way of referring to the group of the largest investment banks in the US


Thank you! I actually worked in finance once upon a time-lending, budgeting, analysis-but not investments and had not encountered any of those terms.


Echo @tdy123 and @ct1417. That was my son’s experience as well. He also had a lot of support of upperclassmen when pursuing summer internships and permanent employment. There seems to be a culture of playing it forward as he has helped underclassmen navigate through their processes, even to this day.

While not unique to Yale, I do think that the sense of community at Yale (bc New Haven is not so great and people stay on campus for social activities) and the residential college system tend to engender longer lasting friend groups. Subsequent to graduation, my S has gone on a cross country road trip and a couple of ski vacations with his suitemates and close friends. They are planning a trip to Asia for later this year. My friend group of a dozen of us have done annual “boys’ weekend” ski trips for over 20 years with group family vacations every 2 or 3 years. On the alumni FB page you see other groups having similar get togethers. I am sure there are other friend groups from all colleges, but I suspect they tend to be smaller groups.