Has anyone attended The Eureka Research Program?

My friend told me he joined a research program this past summer and recommended the Eureka Research Program. Has anyone else attended this program before? What did you do? Will it look good on my college application to get into a good school? Thanks!

@JoJoLi i looked at their website but have no specific knowledge of this program. If you are interested in learning about research and how. To write a college level research paper, I think this program would be helpful on a personal development level. If you are doing it to get into a selective college I would think twice. It’s a pay to play program and there is no way one summer will produce anything that would impress a selective school.

For comparison, my DD23 has been enrolled in an amazing research program at her high school as an elective since freshman year and has written three research papers ( one published) She has entered them into contests with her help of her school and won awards a a regional level. She is entering a national competition but the competition is fierce. Those that win this national competition usually end up at an Ivy League school. My D is not expecting to win but the overall experience was huge for personal development. She was able to refer to this in her personal essay and demonstrate her intellectual curiosity.

I understand not everyone has this same type of opportunity through their high school (unfortunately) as I highly recommend the experience. But don’t sign up for Eureka to impress a college - sign up because learning about research is an interesting way to spend your personal time.

so judging just off of the website, it looks like a decent program, but I wouldn’t expect it to count for much on a college application. since its a “pay-to-play” program as @Milio2 pointed out, it really does lack the prestige of other programs.

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I attended The Eureka Research Program this summer (2022). You complete the application form, and in it, you input your research ideas. Those ideas are sent to professors working with the program; if a professor likes your research ideas, they’ll reach out to you.

Lucky for me, I got paired with such a fantastic professor, and since no one had similar ideas to mine, I got to work one-on-one with her over the summer! She set a plan/goals we wanted to achieve over the 12 weeks. I created an opinion article, a presentation I gave my professor, and a huge research document.

You’ll see the amount of effort you put into it in the results. You can publish your writing if you work hard with your professor and diligently work over the summer. The program does not guarantee publication, but you can connect with a professor, so it is worth it.

I’m not allowed to say who I worked with (for their privacy) but if you have any questions, let me know!

I loved doing it- I learned so much and thought you should at least apply; it doesn’t hurt!