Alright, we can have at it!
I’m going to slow-roll it so people can still leave as spoilers are ahead.
First, I thought Lili Reinhart was great. I don’t watch Riverdale and had never seen her before.
Two, I am from Austin so loved seeing all the things. I need to look up where her parents’ house is. My guess is Barton Hills.
Three, I loved the premise. Ds2 said some stuff that I thought was really interesting. He said how hopeful the movie is, which I think is true, but he said I am not the movie’s demographic (also true) and that the demographic for the movie so often gets wound up that there’s only one true way for things to work out. I mean, intellectually, no, obviously, but I get what he’s saying as so many kids are so black-and-white in their thinking. Ds2 is still working on this so I can imagine that seeing a different choice still turn out OK is comforting. I’ve tried to tell him how, IMHO, no one has a soulmate – you could marry lots of people and have a satisfying life. And you could get a different house or job or live in a different city and it would all turn out OK, just different.
Four, and this is where I needed someone besides dh with which to discuss. Why was the choice the choice chosen to represent? I feel like they took the less-political option by making her not pregnant as the other option as opposed to being pregnant and choosing an abortion as the other option. She could go to LA and life would carry on as usual. Dh was trying to say how it would change the whole movie, and that ticked me off because it wouldn’t. It would affect, perhaps, how people feel about the movie, but I feel like by trying to take the non-political route, it’s kind of political. Anyway, I was most irritated at dh as I feel like he’s believing the idea that if a woman has one her whole life is somehow disrupted and it couldn’t possibly be the same movie. Am I wrong? Not about going on with their lives … I know that’s true … but would it have SOOOO required drastically changing the movie? I’m asking not to get political about abortion … I’m asking from a film-making POV.
Five, the whole things reeks of privilege in a way with which I am uncomfortable. Nat had a supportive family, partner, friends in both scenarios, which makes life a lot easier, especially in the PG scenario. I pointed it out to ds2, and he said that he didn’t think young people would take it as an instruction manual to make life choices. That was fair. But he also agreed with my observation.
OK, those are some of my thoughts. Agree or disagree?