has anyone got into TAMU from New Jersey?

I was not accepted to TAMU for engineering :frowning: I did some research and i found out TAMU doesn’t accept that many oos students. I was pretty mad because I got the Aggiebound magazines so I thought they were interested, they even sent me one of those flag things! My school doesn’t rank so that could’ve been something. Plus I checked the average TAMU GPAs, on some website, and my GPA was higher than the highest GPA average (3.5). I was pretty add by that because I really wanted to go to TAMU. Since I didn’t make it in, is there anyone from New Jersey that made it into TAMU? If so what were your stats? Thanks!

There aren’t as many OOS applicants as instate applicants here. Vast majority of OOS students are academic admits. Were you an academic admit ? ( is that the flag thing you’re referring to?) Academic admits are accepted on a rolling basis, majors filled on a rolling basis too with the exception of the last 15% of engineering which is now filled competitively by engineering review. GPA doesn’t matter, just rank. If your school doesn’t rank, admissions assigns you a quarter rank ( 1st, 2nd 3rd or 4th). The stats reported are for any kind of admission (full, Blinn Team & Gateway) not just full admission like most schools, so it isn’t accurate if you’re only looking for full admission. Anyone on the engineering review that was an auto or academic admit COULD have been admitted to engineering if they applied early enough without having to go through the review. Hope that helps to answer the ‘why’ question. Best of luck to you, wherever you have chosen to attend.

@AGmomx2 i wasnt accepted :frowning: my gpa is a 3.5 so what quarter am i in?

Your guidance counselor would have a profile for your school that they include with transcripts. You are ranked against your peers at your school. GPA is not relevant, just the rank.

@solveforx – class rank is independent of GPA. It’s determined by your high school with regard to how your GPA compares to the rest of your class, ie., where yours falls in the “ranking” of all of the students.

@AGmomx2 wait so is that class rank? class ranks are “banned” in our school

yes, class rank. Even if your school does not rank, TAMU will assign you a rank based on your school profile.School profiles usually have information about your school - things like highest GPA in your class, # AP classes offered, grade weighting system (FYI there are some schools that are on a 7.0 scale all the way down to a 4.0 max. scale or a 100 point scale), class size, etc. Even homeschoolers have a rank assigned (they usually get 1st quarter) so a school that ‘does not rank’ will get a rank assigned by admissions. The stats online about GPA are generated for comparison by the companies that research school admissions- but they aren’t used for admission at TAMU. When you are in the review pool, they use rank & scores for 50% of the decision, the other 50% is everything else on your application. It is quite difficult to get into TAMU as a review admit. Over 80% of the freshman admits are academic or top 10% TX admits - less than 20% are review admits.