Has anyone heard from UCSB, SLO, University of Washington or Colorado Boulder for Fall 2017?

My daughter applied to several schools and has been accepted to 3 so far, SFSU, CS Fullerton, ASU but we are still waiting on the above schools along with SDSU. We are from California.

@SoCaliforniaMom UCSB sent out invites to their “top applicants” which probably means honors/Regents level. The rest of the class will receive notification on March 21. SLO has been admitting since Thursday but they don’t appear to be done yet. I don’t know about the out of state schools.

Thanks! UCSB is her stretch school as well as SLO.

SLO started releasing acceptances a few days ago.

Thank you! @Gumbymom

We are in Texas, my son got his acceptance to Colorado Boulder a few weeks ago.

@mkp1972 , good to know when did your son apply? My daughter applied on the deadline date, the last school she applied for. What is his major?

@SoCaliforniaMom you posted this question in the UC section and only one of the schools is UC. You can look up threads for each college alphabetically under “Colleges and Universities”

For SLO: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cal-poly-san-luis-obispo/

For UCSB: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-santa-barbara/

For Boulder: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-colorado-boulder/

@lkg4answers Thank you!

SLO has sent acceptances!