Has anyone received a decision from SFSU for Fall 2023?

She checks every day and nothing so far. Hopefully soon!

My son just got an acceptance email today! We’re in SoCal.


Just found this thread.
Son received an acceptance email on 1/20 for Mechanical Engineering major.
We are San Francisco residents and submitted application with the rest of CSU’s on 11/27.
Best wishes to all applicants!


And we are STILL waiting! D23 sent an email to admissions and they said the decisions will keep rolling out through April
At this point, I think she’s pretty much over it. She had been interested in SFSU, but now that other college decisions are coming in and other colleges are actively engaging with her, their foot dragging has not impressed her and they are falling off the radar screen. Which is a shame, because I think SFSU actually has a lot to offer and could be a great school for her.

With an 85% acceptance rate it’s a pretty safe bet she will be accepted, so hopefully she won’t sour on SFSU, particularly if you feel like it would be a good fit for her.

It’s much easier for smaller schools to be more engaged with potential enrollees than larger institutions for sure, but I wouldn’t characterize it as foot dragging, it’s just a lot of applications that need to be processed (30,000 last cycle). But I know the waiting can feel interminable.

FWIW D23 was accepted early January - today she received an email that she qualified to apply for one of 20 Genentech scholarships for women in STEM that are fairly generous. If I remember your D23 is a STEM major as well? She’ll likely hear about it too when her admission comes thru. Good luck! :slight_smile:

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That’s great news - congrats!

Mine isn’t STEM - she’s enviro, but more the policy side than the science side. Although I think she may have applied poli sci to sfsu? That’s OK, though, because she has the Cal grant which would cover a large portion of the tuition, so it should be one of the more affordable choices on her list - and they have a certificate program in climate issues as well as pre-law certificate program - so there are a number of things that make it an attractive option, in addition to the affordable price. But another one of her schools has been very actively engaging her and the more they do, the less interest she is feeling towards schools that haven’t shown the love - even if the reason for that is understandable, it also sort of gives an impression of what it might like to be a student there dealing with a large bureaucracy? That may not be accurate at all - but that’s how it’s feeling. We shall see - as I said, there are some real pluses to SFSU for her, and the price is right :slight_smile:

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My daughter is also still waiting on an answer. It shows her application under review since January 7th. She applied back in November. Has your daughter heard back yet?

Our D23 received her acceptance several weeks ago. With an acceptance rate of almost 93% I can’t imagine your daughter wouldn’t be accepted - but perhaps have her check in with their admissions office? Good luck!

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We are still waiting, too

I also also waiting to hear back, I submitted my application to poli sci back in ocotober and havent anything. Starting to lose hope that I will get in.

We’ll likely all get in
eventually. But this long delay has done nothing to make my daughter interested in going there.

Finally officially accepted for poli sci!


Accepted, Computer Science, 4.08 CSU GPA, 27 years a-g


Accepted 2/28: CSU GPA 3.85 | Number of a-g courses taken 9-12th: 19 | APs: 1
Hospitality & Tourism Management
Local, CA resident


S23 is considering Computer Engineering (he was accepted). These decisions are difficult!


I applied late November as a psychology major and still haven’t heard back!

Maybe it’s an impacted major? I’d call and ask. Our son was accepted in Feb as a CS major. It’s one of his top 4 choices, toured the campus last week and really liked it. Dorm choices are great too!

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