ITALIAN 1-3</p>
<p>T.A./Instructor Time:</p>
<p>Office Hours: Classroom:</p>
<p>T.A. Office: Royce 347 Telephone:<br>
Administrative Office: 212 Royce email:<br>
Holidays: </p>
<p>Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide students with a sound basis for communicating effectively and accurately in Italian. Emphasis is on the fundamentals of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Real-life activities will expose students to day-to-day contexts likely to be encountered in Italy, thus reinforcing grammatical structures learned in class and increasing functional skills. Students will also be introduced to contemporary Italian life and culture. Italian 1 will cover Chapters 1-5, Italian 2 will cover Chapters 6-10 and Italian 3 will cover Chapters 11-16. Class will be conducted entirely in Italian.</p>
<p>Required Text: Avanti! by Aski and Musumeci [Note: New books come with a registration code that allows you access to the premium content on the textbooks website (i.e. the Online Learning Center). If you buy a used copy of the textbook you will also need to purchase access to the website. See p. xxiv.] Workbook/ Laboratory Manual to accompany Avanti! </p>
<p>Participation: Active class participation is expected. Please see guidelines on participation in your textbook. If you do not make an effort to participate in class or are disruptive to others in class, it will have a negative impact on your grade.</p>
<p>Homework: Homework will be assigned daily and unless otherwise stated will be due the following class. Acceptance of late homework is at the discretion of the instructor, however, no credit will be given for late homework. Should you miss class for any reason, be sure to check the Moodle class management page and/or contact another student in your section for the following days homework assignment. For every missing homework assignment, one point will be taken from the participation grade.</p>
<p>Compositions: There will be a composition for each chapter. The first draft counts for 50% of the grade. The grade on the final version, after corrections have been made, is averaged with the grade given on the first draft.</p>
<p>Quizzes: There will be a quiz after every chapter except when there are scheduled exams. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES FOR ANY REASON, INCLUDING MEDICAL. Should you miss a quiz for an excused absence, your total quiz grade will be determined from the average of the quizzes taken. Quizzes will be graded on a 100% scale. Should you receive either a C or lower, please make an appointment to see me so that we can discuss any problems immediately.</p>
<p>Exams: There will be one midterm and a final. NO MAKE-UP EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN. The final exam is departmental. Midterm and Final dates will be announced by the instructor at the beginning of each quarter. Please note the dates as soon as possible to avoid future conflict. All quiz dates are listed on your Moodle calendar.</p>
<p>Grading: 25% Final Exam
20% Midterm
15% Class Participation (homework and group activities)
5% Oral Exam
15% Compositions/Web Activities
20% Quizzes
For P/NP grading (undergraduates), P = C or better; for S/U (graduates), S = B or better.</p>
<p>Course Management: The web-based class management program functions within the Moodle environment. Tools including self-correcting exercises, lab exercises, video clips and web activities are located on this page. By using these tools, students increase comprehension, accuracy and cultural knowledge. There will be scheduled lab days.