<p>Hi, I've decided to take an online class at BYU and have chosen AP Bio, since I love bio.
But I was wondering if anyone could tell me about it. Is it really difficult? Is the work load more so than other AP classes? My schedule is really packed (I have all AP and ACP classes) and I'm kind of nervous about it.
What grade did you end up with since the cut off for an A is 95%?
Can someone help me? Thank you. I'm just really nervous.</p>
<p>BYU online AP Biology is not hard at all. I took it last year and ended up with an A (99)
If you are doing this to prepare for the AP Bio exam, then I don’t think you should take the BYU course…it isn’t worth it; I mean, in my course, the teacher had outlined a few concepts already, and i had to read through it. Then I had to read the book and go take the exam. Its better to prepare for the AP Bio exam alone. </p>
<p>And if you are still intent on taking the course, then don’t worry about it. Its a piece of cake, even for someone like me (who crammed in everything at the last month of the course). BTW, I took it in my freshman year of high school, and I found it to be easy.</p>