<p>I guess I will probably start with 60 and drop to 40 if it's too difficult. I enjoyed math a lot in high school, and found physics dumbed down, although I only took Physics B. I'm look forward to college physics, and wanted to try the 60 series.</p>
<p>wait superwizard-- where'd you find that alternate discussion time for math41? i only see a discussion time as 115-3:05 for Math41 A- ACE... what is that? thanks for your help..</p>
<p>Superwizard, do you know anything about Roble after the remodel? I think the pictures I found online were sort of old. In the three room quads, I have heard that the bedrooms are TINY and only have bunk beds -is that true? Any other info about the reputation/ atmosphere of Roble would be much appreciated!</p>
<p>Horton: I just searched it on axess and the fifth option was this:
MoWeFr 1:15PM - 2:05PM 370-370 Mark Lucianovic 09/22/2008 - 12/05/2008</p>
<p>Plus I checked it on courserank and it said the same thing. Usually I would always advise consulting the bulletin but they're doing something new this year and I can't access it!</p>
<p>Yeah I know quite a bit about Roble seeing as I lived right next to it in Uj my freshman year. It's definitely a really popular choice for upperclassmen cuz they mostly get singles but freshmen get 3 room quads. The two bedrooms are pretty small but I mean what's good about it is that you can sleep whenever you want because your roommate won't stay there but in the common room instead. Congrats :)</p>
<p>thanks for the replies guys! I have another set of questions. im not a math person what type of math course should i take as a frosh? Math 19? And ive got my ihum and pwr both in the fall quarter, which i believe adds up to be 8 credits. If im interested in the humanities and law school, what third class should i take? a science class to balance it out or math 19? Or maybe a third writing/humanities class? And if so which ones would u reccommend? And i know ill probably have 13 credits, would it be a problem? Because i really don't want to take 4 classes my first quarter as a frosh. I know this is a lot of questions but id appreciate some advising before i meet my advisor! Lol. Thanks for the help!</p>
<p>Hmm I mean if you're thinking about majoring in something fuzzy you really don't need to take a math class so early on. I suggest you take something that appeals to you. You'll have plenty of time to fullfill your GERs :)</p>
<p>oh ok thanks thats really good to hear. So can i just figure what class during nso or should i have an idea now?? Im most likely going to do something fuzzy but i recently looked into econ. How much math does stanford require for an econ major and what can you tell me about it?</p>
<p>fliegbieg: I don't know anything about how the class is curved. At a guess, average is probably between a B and an A-. The grade curve is not something one should consider when selecting classes. About the textbook thing, it sounds like your son might be a bit like me; until recently, I never had the patience to read math textbooks. I survived all my classes by going to every lecture, taking meticulous notes, and referring to the textbook only when necessary. This worked most of the time.</p>
<p>Mandrake: (1) Yes, that's reasonable. Just make sure your third class and your seminar aren't too intense. (2) In my year, the really big drop came at the end of the first week, when we got the first problem set. (For fall and winter quarters, they're usually assigned on Friday and due the following Friday.) A few more might have dropped out the second week. It gets difficult to change classes (and this applies to all classes) after about a week, and even more so after two weeks.</p>
<p>ehlo: Math 50H and Physics 60 the same year is doable. I'd guess between 5 and 10 students do it each year. It is a lot of work, and can be stressful at times. If you do it, limit yourself whenever possible to just those two and IHUM. You definitely shouldn't take anything else fall quarter, and maybe add a seminar or a very light fourth class for winter/spring (whenever you don't have PWR). Your PWR quarter will be rough; if it's fall, petition it to winter or spring.</p>
<p>cosa nostra you will need to take Math 41, 42 and 51 or Math 19,20,21,51 for the econ major. Don't worry too much about classes yet. If you want to try econ take econ 1a with pwr and ihum and that is 13 units. Nice and smooth first quarter.</p>
<p>^Back in my day (2 years ago) you could get rid of the math 40 series using AP credit not sure if you still can...</p>
<p>Hmm well I'm not an econ major (though I did take econ 1a&b) but my roommate was and so is another of my really good friends so I know a decent bit about the department. Its a large department and many people major in econ at Stanford. A large number of them aim for working in either Investment Banking or Consulting and indeed Stanford definitely does give you a good shot at getting a job there. The econ core isn't the funnest of cores (everyone I know who took it says that) but there are quite a few classes you can pick from outside the core to fullfill the rest of the major requirements.</p>
<p>Hey guys. I was just wondering if it is feasible to get A's in the Chem 31A/B series and the Math 41 series? these are two of the classes I am a little worried about but I will try my best to get A's in them. Does anyone know the curves in these classes? (superwiz i also posted this in the introsems thread ;) )</p>
<p>morsmordre: really don't worry too much about the exact date they'll disburse it- they will do it have no fear :). Plus even when misunderstandings occur the financial aid office is nice and will definitely help you out.</p>
<p>sackings: Chem 31a/b are not curved at all. They're actually one of the few classes I know that are not. I know that they're not easy but I definitely do know of several people who have gotten As in them. Can't be more specific cuz I never took them sorry! Same thing with the Math 4o series. According to Courserank Math 41&42 and Chem31a averages were a B and Chem31B was a B+.</p>
<p>so do the math and chem classes meet EVERY day? what about IHUM? I signed up for Humans and Machines as my #1 choice. thanks again for all your help</p>
<p>IHUM will have lecture that meets twice a week and a discussion section that meets twice a week.</p>
<p>Math classes will typically meet twice a week, as will Chem classes. Sections for this class may meet an additional once or twice per week, depending.</p>
<p>Generally it's only language classes and some big history and poli sci classes that will meet everyday.</p>
<p>lol i took the 60's series, they are so freaking accelerated and I am only in high school....
try the 100's :] intermediate mechanics this spring, anyone else taking that?</p>
<p>ok,let's think of application a moment ]:)] I'm applying to Stanford, but I can't find out the Common Application ID NUMBER that Stanford requires for all of its document. where should I find it?</p>