<p>With the stats the OP has, couldn’t he/she get a free ride to alot of places? If I were the OP, I would also look at the environment of the schools you are looking at. And the ambitions of the students going to them. It sounds as if you relish being the big fish in a little pond, which is perfectly OK.</p>
<p>In the whole value equasion, I’d certainly pay up if I could afford it for access to elite jobs. You could definitely make a return on your money quickly depending on desired career.</p>
<p>There is nothing wrong with going to a state school, many of them are very good. </p>
<p>Not all of them. </p>
<p>I decided on an unusual college choice myself and went for a private art college. Sure, it’s hideously expensive and one of the top three in the country, top ten in the world, but if you aren’t into art colleges, then nobody’s heard of the place. </p>
<p>My advice, go where you feel at home. If you aren’t happy, what’s the point?</p>
<p>W&M is def a “top school”.</p>