<p>Have you ever wondered how many of the people who say "sorry about my English, i'm foriegn" are actually foriegn? I always think that some people just say that because they want to prevent the grammar Nazis from attacking.</p>
<p>I might be wrong, but it sems like a disporportionate amount of people claim that they are foriegn.</p>
<p>ha no i think its gotten to the point where its more like a joke so hardly anyone takes them seriously. too bad for the people who really are foreign.</p>
<p>btw, could someone help me with starting my own thread? i cant find anything about it.</p>
<p>its great isn’t it? after watching harry potter movies, I kind of (subconsciously) adopt a british accent, until I realize it. haha although I really like australian accents right now too… g’day mate.</p>