<p>Don't forget at Haverford you can take classes at Swat, Bry Mawr & U Penn. The campus is absolutely gorgeous. The kids exude friendliness and happiness.</p>
<p>It don't think the fundamental difference in the two schools has been emphasized enough.</p>
<p>Haverford is a "full-service" liberal arts colleges with departments and majors in all three divisions: social sciences, science/math, and humanities.</p>
<p>CMC is an excellent small undergrad college with a specific specialty: economics, government, history.</p>
<p>For example, CMC doesn't even have its own science departments, instead relying on a small joint-science department with Pitzer and Scripps for limited course offerings in chem, physics, bio, etc. I don't believe there are any science majors at CMC.</p>
<p>CMC also does not have any departments in the arts. Art History, studio art, music, theater, and dance rely on course offerings at other schools. As a result, there will be few, if any majors, in these areas.</p>
<p>Likewise for languages.</p>
<p>It is important that a student understand CMC's focus and not go there expecting a "full-service" LAC in the traditional sense. Even a student who is more than content with the superb offerings in CMC's area of specialization needs to understand that a student body with majors in all fields is very different from a student body with majors concentrated in a few fields.</p>
<p>I don't know how you could even compare CMC and Haverford without first coming to grips with this over-riding distinction. It's similar to the making a choice between MIT and and Harvard. Apples and oranges.</p>