Hawaii Statewide ACT

Hi, I took the statewide ACT today and I was wondering how long it typically takes for scores to be released. Also how do you access your scores? Is it like the PSAT where I get an email?

You can sign up to view your scores on Act.org. Not sure how long the statewide ACT scores take. But the official ACT dates say you can start checking 10 days after your test date.

In our state it takes a lot longer to get back state test results than it does to get back national test results. In the fall, my son took a state ACT at his school on Oct 30 and got back his scores on Nov 30.
And they didn’t come to the portal at first, the guidance office gave them little slips with their scores on them. It took another week for them to show up in his ACT portal. It was at least Dec 7 before they got to the portal.