He wrote his essay about being high (got into Cornell)

<p>Think he was 4/189.</p>

<p>He had a good gpa andetc, but idk how he still made Cornell and a few other Ivies writing an essay about getting high for his first time. He said how it changed his outlook on the world and how it built his connection with himself.Guess the admissions panel were all hippies and could relate.</p>

<p>Lmao, well, you have to admit they always say be unique. That's pretty damn unique for an admissions essay.</p>

<p>I wrote my essay about Darth Vader and I didn't get into any Ivy League schools : (</p>

<p>Wow, getting high...I don't see how he didn't get arrested or something, lol. Maybe the admissions officers were high when they were reading his essay. :D</p>

<p>Can you ask him to give you a copy of it to upload here? LOL</p>

i heard about this essay prompt that said "what is courage?"</p>

<p>and the guy's essay was
"THIS is courage."</p>

<p>and he got into yale (or harvard or something ridic like that)</p>

<p>^^its annoying that people can get away with some clever trick and get out of putting in a ton of effort, and people that spend days writing and thinking get rejected.</p>

<p>That's how I feel too smallcolleges! Like ok that's cute but then I'm sure there are a ton of people who hear stories like this and then think that they'll try something similar, and it's like, ok, it was funny the first time.</p>

<p>“what is courage”</p>

<p>“THIS is courage”</p>

<p>i would never have the guts to pull off somethin like that.</p>

<p>A Boston College rep visited my high school and told us a story of this one application essay he read. The prompt was something like this: “If your house was on fire, what would be one thing that you would retrieve from inside?”</p>

<p>The applicant, who happened to use the paper copy of the application rather than submitting online, burnt the edges of his application (he didn’t even write an essay!).</p>

<p>He got in.</p>

<p>i wonder what r the stats for those kids who write three words and burn applications and get into great schools</p>

<p>OH MY GOSH. </p>

<p>These people. The guy who got into cornell…why was he not arrested for possession of illegal substances??</p>

<p>But I <3 the one about courage. I’d never have the balls for that.</p>

<p>the courage essay seem like a very generic one to me tho…it’d be hard to tackle i guess. and the three words probably were the best answer</p>

<p>That’s so unfair how easy it is for them, but seriously they were really creative and that is what they are looking for right?</p>

i heard about this essay prompt that said “what is courage?”</p>

<p>and the guy’s essay was
“THIS is courage.”</p>

<p>and he got into yale (or harvard or something ridic like that)</p>

<p>thats actually a myth, there are different variations of it. In one variation he wrote it in purple ink. This myth has been going on for awhile and always arises when its time to do college apps.</p>

<p>haha i think they’re all rumors
you can never really trust any of it so i woulndt do something so risky</p>

<p>I read somewhere the story of a kid who responded to the prompt “Ask yourself a question and answer it” with:</p>

<p>“Q: Do you play the tuba?
A: No.” </p>

<p>and got accepted. I’m pretty sure it was true, because I remember the adcom saying the reason the kid got admitted was because his essay really demonstrated his personality and he had all the other stats to get in.</p>

<p>^Lol that was funny.</p>

<p>Oh and I don’t know if this has been said, but it’s similar to before. The essay prompt was like “Tell us about a time when you did something risky”
The person wrote:
***** YOU.</p>

<p>And they got in.</p>

<p>my friend wrote about his visit to France for his UNC application.</p>

<p>It was the “curious” essay, and he spoke about how he almost got seduced by a prostitute but how he resisted temptation.</p>