<p>I am not really sure why there is such a long discussion about it. Picking Harvard sticker over Georgetown full ride could make sense, depending on the individual’s risk tolerance. Picking Harvard sticker over Chicago/ Columbia/ NYU full ride is borderline insane.</p>
<p>For those who talk about how Romney’s and Obama’s of the world went to HLS, so what? How does that relate to anyone’s chance of future success down the road? After your first job post school, most employers won’t even care if you went to U Chicago Law vs Harvard Law. It’s your work experience, connections, reputation, ability, work ethic, and networking skills that would carry you.</p>
<p>Heck, the founding father of the most prestigious law firm in the world, Wachtell, is a NYU Law grad. The founding father of the most prestigious PE firm, KKR, is a U Chicago Law grad. Warren Buffett is a Columbia grad. You can find thousands of examples of extremely successful people hailing from almost all top schools. Ridiculous.</p>