<p>Music</a> Production Courses, DJ Courses, Audio Engineering Courses, Sound Engineering - Point Blank</p>
<p>Soo.... I'm american wanting to go to London.
I know. Cliche.</p>
<p>But this is the best music school I've found for my program as well as being cheaper and accelerated.
London would be a wonderful place to root my music endevours.</p>
<p>Honestly I need so much help I don't even know where to start.</p>
<p>I've been trying to find a job there as either a CNA or an Orderly.
I figured as a student job, these could pay the best.</p>
<p>Finding a place has been pretty easy as for living arrangements.
But fairly expensive honestly.</p>
<p>I'll need my Visa but I'm trying to figure out the process of getting residency. I plan to stay and only vist the US every couple of years.</p>
<p>So if anyone can help me out there... I'd greatly appreciate it.</p>