Help: 3 Finals in 27 hours, 2 Finals 15min apart

<p>I just enrolled at SOAR and while my class schedule looks great, my final schedule looks horrible. Is there any way I can arrange to get an alternative final time for any of these courses or is there nothing I can do?</p>

<p>My final schedule:
Day 1
7:45-9:45 Calculus
10:05-12:05 Chemistry</p>

<p>Day 2
12:25-2:25 History of Science</p>

<p>Welcome to college! That is how the college life is like. Need to get use to it.</p>

<p>It’s not that bad. I know people that have had 4 finals in one day and they got through it. You just have to start studying earlier.</p>

<p>You may email your professors and arrange for an alternate time if you have a certain amount of finals in a given time period.</p>

<p>At UW-Madison, if you have three finals within 24 hours you can reschedule one.</p>

<p>Bright side–done early.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it now. Also- 20 min to get between the two buildings- easily done, plus they are similar subjects, no mental shifting from science to humanities/social science. You also have plenty of time to finish (you will have started before finals week) studying for the 3rd one. This will give you incentives to keep up with the work as you go. Also- you will have a study day- no classes- between the last day of classes and the start of finals. You now have the motivation to keep up with your work. Also don’t panic when you find you perhaps have major exams in more than one of them the same day… Very possible you won’t be the only one going straight from the calc to chem final.</p>