I need to decided asap and could use some help. Reading the forums as much as I can too. Thank you so much.
BOOKS 1000
TOTAL COA: 42300
Financial Aid Scholarship 10000
Subsidized Loan 3500
Unsubsidized Loan 2000
TOTAL AID: 15500
FINAL Family Cost $26800
529 Plan Balance $37000
-Should/Can the 529 be used to pay the full family cost?
- Should the 529 money go to the school, or to the parent who sends to the school?
-Is there an advantage or disadvantage to sending 529 funds to the school directly?
-Can the following be paid with 529 money: dorm room frig, Friday night movie, clothing,
soap, laundry detergent, cell phone, tuition insurance, air fare, club fees?
-Do 529 disbursements get disclosed on income tax return?
-Do 529 disbursements get disclosed on next years FAFSA or CSS Profile?
-Do 529 disbursements hurt need based financial aid?
-Can we decline federal loan and use 529 disbursements instead?
-Advantage/disadvantage of using 529 instead of federal loans?
-If I pay full year '18/19 tuition by December 31,2017 how does that benefit my income tax [return] 2017?
-Do scholarships, grants and loans count as income?