Help accidentally declined a college admission

I just got accepted into CAL POLY and i was not ready to make a decision since i am still waiting on other schools. My computer froze on the screen to accept or decline and i pressed my mousepad and it clicked on decline. I know to call admissions and email them i already did but they aren’t open til monday. I just need piece of mind that I didn’t just completely give up my spot in the stupidest way ever.

You are probably fine. Try to get someone there Monday to assure you that the inadvertent “decline” is disregarded. The failure is as much with their website design as it is with you. Normally there would be a follow-up “are you sure” prompt.

The computer froze when my daughter was accepting as well. I emailed Admissions yesterday and it was fine. They may be getting other inquiries because I’ve seen other posts about this issue.