Help!- Carleton College vs Colorado College

Hi CC,

I am deciding between two colleges atm: Carleton College and Colorado College.

I’d be happy to go to either- which is my dilemma I can’t choose! I plan on majoring in some sort of soft science/social science. I really think that Colorado College’s block plan is great, but I feel like it would give me the chance to slack off by taking easy classes.

I really like the rigor of Carleton, but I’m worried that the students will be too competitive. I like the location of Carleton more than Colorado College(weird, I know), but I think that the block breaks offer great chances for amazing adventures/experiences.

Cost is pretty much the same for both. For a business graduate school, which college is generally better regarded? Also, do you know how big the spheres of influence are that the schools cast out?(Colorado College carries weight all the way to Houston, or maybe it only carries weight in Denver)

One more question, one thing I really look for in a college are the students, specifically, I want to be able to have an intellectual conversation with any of the students, and also joke around with them. Which college has students that are more abstract-ideas-oriented and humorous?

Thanks, CC

@CCorCCPLShelp, my son was in the same situation 3 years ago and my daughter is currently in the same situation. You can’t go wrong with either school. My son chose to go to Colorado College (CC). It was a real struggle for him and he made the final decision on April 30. He really loved the idea of the block plan, but he liked the people at Carleton slightly better at the time. The block plan won out, and he has been very, very happy with his decision. He LOVES CC and has never second guessed his decision. He is a math/comp sci double major. He now loves the people at CC and has found his tribe. The intellectual discussions are there as is the fun and humor you asked about.

You mentioned slacking off on the block plan. Honestly, I don’t think that should be a concern. CC students work hard during the block because they have to. If you slack off, you will fall behind and it is difficult to catch back up on the intense block schedule. The block breaks are the time to sit back and relax.

I am currently at Carleton’s accepted student days with my daughter. My son has always wanted her to go to CC, but he knows that either of these schools will be great for her, so he is not pressuring her. I am secretly hoping she will pick Carleton, although I know either one will be great.

Good luck making your decision. Let me know if you have any more questions.

Thanks for the comprehensive reply!

For what reasons do you prefer your daughter to go to Carleton? Have you visited, if you have, what was it like?

CC vs Carleton, that’s a tough one! Both are such great schools. Trimester vs Block; MN vs CO. Quite a bit of cross over in applicant interest as demonstrated by @pcmom1 's post above. I hope you get the chance to visit both schools. There’s no better way to get to know the students than spending time on campus. I do think there is a similar intellectual vibe at both, it’s the extracurricular interests, location, and academic schedule that sets the two communities apart.

@CCorCCPLShelp, I have visited Carlton, twice. Once three years ago with my son and just yesterday with my daughter. I think either school would be great for her, but I kind of want her to be somewhere her brother is not. Although, I would also love for them to be at the sane school. She loves them both, and has a very difficult decision to make. If you haven’t visited them, I would highly recommend it. You can’t get a true sense of if you would like it or not until you go visit.


I am visiting in about a week!

So… what did you decide?