Help!!! Chances at UW Madison?

Hi guys I need help with my chances at UW Madison. I applied early action back in September. Major is Community Service and Nonprofit Leadership I’m the School of Human Ecology.

3.66 W GPA, 3.61 UW, however they only asked me for my weighted
Taken 7 AP classes and 2 honors classes
SAT: 1370, however took one more time to get over 1400.

Volunteer at UCSF Hospital for 2 years, I also had a recommendation letter from there sent to UW Madison on common app
Beige the Gap Volunteer tutor for 2 years
Member of 2 clubs
Played water polo and lacrosse for 2 years
Held leadership positions
Had an internship for two years
Worked at four different places over the course of 4 years
A part of leadership at my school

Someone please tell me if I’m qualified for early action admits! I know my GPA is on the lower side but I am taking 3 APS my senior year and one honors course

I meant to say in the school of human ecology

My extracirriculars and clubs involve a lot of community service which ties to my major.

Your class schedule number of APs sounds typical for good HS students- not special. I somehow doubt that having ECs relate to a proposed major matters either. You did your application, now all you can do is wait and see what happens. Enjoy your senior year (keep up the studying) and do not obsess about college admissions.