Help Confused UC Payment/Fee Waivers

Yeah I know that the UC deadline is today and I already did them but it’s just about the payment. When I did the submission process for the application I was denied the fee waiver. I got scared so I only applied to one UC and payed with the credit card option. I applied to 3 more UCs but picked the check(mail) option. My counselor told me that I was able to use a fee waiver for 4 schools because I took the SAT with the fee waiver so I get 4 fee waivers from college board. I feel nervous and scared about it cause I think I messed up and idk how to use the fee waiver. What if I can’t pay the application for the other 3 schools? Am I supposed to mail the fee waiver that I printed out from college board?

Never mind this I found my answer…