<p>I'm applying to graduate school again, PhD in cultural/media/communication/american studies--just finished my MA in english in may--and I got a DUI right after Grad school graduation--after a celebration, it was egregiously stupid, opprobrious behavior, I can't describe the shame and emotional pain I feel. I completed all of my sanctions within a month, had to do jail time because of a possibly dumber error made 3 years before this after undergraduate graduation...this is my addendum and I'd really appreciate it if anyone with any experience could give me some pointers on this one.</p>
<p>On July 13, 2011 I plead no lo contendre and was convicted of Driving Under the Influence and Reckless Driving by Speed in Brunswick County, Virginia. I was pulled over for speeding by a state trooper at 4:45am on June 11, 2011, who then conducted field sobriety and breath tests and cited me for driving under the influence of alcohol (BAC <0.15). It was an extremely poor decision for which I served two weeks in county jail, completed 140 hours of community service in 14 days, 20 hours of DUI and substance abuse education, 12 hours of risk-reduction driving education, and paid all fines and restitution. In completing these sanctions I garnered the highest levels of approval from my supervisors. This was a horribly stupid error in judgment on my part, for which I take complete responsibility. It will never happen again.</p>
<p>On July 12, 2008 I was involved in a single car accident as a result of my attempt to use a cellular phone to send a text message in Savannah, Ga. For this, I was charged with Reckless Driving-Improper Use of a Cellular Phone While Operating a Motor Vehicle. This contributed to the harsh sentencing for the later offense, which I understand and accept as appropriate. I suffered both sternal and femoral fractures and was placed on probation for 3 months. This was also a stupid and extremely dangerous decision. I am grateful to be alive. I have an extremely heightened awareness, now, of the responsibility requisite for operating a motor vehicle and will never take such activity lightly again.</p>