help editing my Stanford Essay- Very Personal yet awkward.

<p>Hi. I need help editing my stanford essay.
I think it is awkward in some areas, so I need someone to help me.
If you are willing to help, leave a message and I'll pm you.

<p>Anyone?? Please?</p>

<p>I can edit/critique/comment on awkwardness, ha. PM if you’re brave enough :D. Won’t steal…</p>

<p>Anyone else except north_face?</p>

<p>don’t like me? haa</p>

<p>no, you are 09’er, and I do not trust people easily.</p>

<p>i completely understand. you can trust me…but its totally up to you…i swear not to steal your essay…but…if i were really trying to steal your essay, why would i admit i was an 09er? and even if someone says they’re not an 09er, this is the internet, and theres no way to be sure. anyway, if u need help and decide to trust me send it over. i honestly wouldnt give my essay to anyone online (im pretty paranoid about it too), but u can trust me ha. others maybe can vouch for me ha.</p>

I am an 09er but I already got into Yale and I am definitely not going to fill any more applications. I can read it if it is less than a 1000 words. If so, PM me.
Good luck!</p>

<p>hey sure send it over</p>

<p>sure send it</p>

<p>i’m done with my apps and i’d be happy to read it over.</p>

<p>i’d be happy to read it… I’m '10, and i have lots of experience with this stuff cuz all the seniors at my school give me their essays to read -_-… just sent it over</p>