HELP getting prepared for senior year!

<p>I am a Junior right now and need some basic advice on how I can prepare for my AP classes senior year. I did decent Freshman year, but sophomore year was absolutely horrible and brought my cumulative down to the ground because I did not try at all. 1st semester Junior year I got only one B since I began studying hard and not slacking off. </p>

<p>I would like to get a near-perfect 1st semester senior year to end high school and boost my cumulative up more. I have 2 AP's now (US History, Latin Literature). I don't struggle with them at all, but they have their challenges. </p>

<p>Next year I have 4 AP's (Biology, Calc AB, Psycholoy, Latin Vergil)
How should I get prepared to hopefully achieve A's in them? I am especially worried about AP Biology, which I have heard is extremely difficult and there is a huge workload. My physics teacher said I would have to work hard to even get a C... As for the others, what recommendations do you have to ace them (besides the obvious.. not procrastinating.. paying attention in class..)?</p>

<p>Biology isn’t that hard… Physics is quite the challenge… My teacher never teaches us anything(although the class is fun)… Nothing will make sense for probably the first quarter, you’ll most likely fail until December or so when things just start clicking in. I managed to get a B first semester. I’m getting an A right now… It’s best to just try all out 1st semester, catch senioritist and cruise along the rest of the year… Well, unless you’re asian, you do the asian cruise(Straight B’s)</p>

<p>Psychology is cake, I don’t even study in that class and still get an A… It’s practically just common sense, memorize a bunch of words, blah blah blah, you’re set.</p>

<p>Calc Ab is just focused on 3 topics: Limits, Derivatives, and Integrals. memorize those 3 and you’ll be set, it’s a pretty cake class.</p>

<p>I don’t get why everyone is saying AP Bio is so hard. Our class is basically notes and a test each week. Most is built up from freshmen bio.
For me, AP Calc has been pretty difficult. Mostly because our grade is just from test, and since homework isn’t graded, I usually don’t do it.</p>

<p>I thought the title was “HELP getting pregnant”</p>

<p>I was alarmed</p>

<p>Hmm ok it seems that I am overreacting with their difficulty then… thanks for the input and I will make sure to remember it.</p>

<p>I don’t think your overreacting. At least at my school, Ap Biology is a hard course ( currently taking Ap Biology).</p>