HELP! idk what schools to go for.

<p>9th grade: </p>

<p>English honors
History honors
3D art
Living Environment
Work after school every day and weekends</p>

AP world
English honors
*work after school </p>

<p>11th grade
AP US history
AP physics
Engineering and Architecture
Computer Graphics
English honors

<p>*out of school : ballet and work on weekends</p>

<p>12th grade <strong>im currently entering as a senior</strong>
Digital electronics
AP Literature
AP Econ
AP psych
**out of school: two internships at state government offices, two jobs,ballet</p>

<p>total work hours throughout high school : more than 2,865 hours</p>

<p>SAT: 1570
GPA: 3.7-3.8
My recommendations will come from my internships and my french teacher. </p>

<p>I will not be submitting my AP scores. They are not good enough and I am too embarrassed but hopefully they will see I took challenging courses. </p>

<p>I hope to go for international business or speech therapy </p>

<p>Also any info on scholarships would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Is that SAT with or without writing…?</p>

<p>with writing.
I will be taking it again in october and Nov.</p>

<p>Ohh godddd… Everything else looks nice, except your SAT. If you ever need any help, feel free to ask me haha. I haven’t taken it, but on practice tests I’m getting 750 on writing, 720 on CR, and 620 on Math. My math sucks, but if you ever need help, feel free to ask. Hmm, look into Hofstra, St. John’s, UGA, Fordham, UAlabama, UAB, and other schools with the SAT middle 50 percentages with each section in the 450-650 range. Look at state schools and test-optional schools. One highly-ranked test optional school I’ll mention is Wake Forest. I don’t know what kind of schools you want, but those are just some suggestions. If you tell me more about what you’d prefer, I can make better suggestions(:</p>

<p>Do you want/need to go to school in NYC?</p>

<p>If you want a small, eccentric, LAC, look into Pitzer college. Test scores are optional if you have above a 3.5 and it’s an amazing school. :)</p>

<p>Thank you so much, I know i’m really embarrassed about my SAT scores. I’m really bad at math. I’ll be taking them again Oct 1st. What helped you do better in the math section? Or what programs helped you that are free.</p>

<p>I don’t need to go to college in NYC but it’d be cheaper to stay in my state and I love the city and preferred manhattan.</p>

<p>I think you should look at SAT optional schools. [SAT/ACT</a> Optional 4-Year Universities | FairTest](<a href=“]SAT/ACT”>
Here’s a list- you can sort by state.</p>