Help me choose a Safety School Please!!

<p>I just moved from the U.S., to Mexico, where I was attending a top ranked high school (7th or 9th by U.S. News) and I was in the MSE (Math Science and Engineering Program) which meant that I was taking VERY advanced math and physics courses. I finished AP Calculus AB in the 10th grade and AP Physics B just to give you an idea of the level courses I was taking. Unfortunately, here in Mexico, all the best high schools in the country only offer up to Calculus and that’s until 12th grade. So right now in the 11th grade, I’m taking Precalc (I took it in 9th grade in the U.S. already).</p>

<p>Here are my stats from the U.S.:
AP: Calc AB (5), Physics B(not sure since I moved before getting my score), Environmental (5), U.S. Gov & Politics(5), Macroeconomics(5), World History(4), Spanish(5), English lang. & Composition(5).
ECs: VP of FBLA in 10th grade, Economics club, Got accepted into NHL for 11-12th grade but moved to Mexico, also got accepted into the Spanish honor society for 11-12th grade but moved to Mexico.
SAT: Haven’t taken them yet, planning on taking the Literature, Physics and Math 2 Subject tests.
Rank (in the high school I was in in the U.S.): 7th, but remember it was a top 10 Public High School in the U.S.
GPA before I moved: 3.996
Sports: None, but now, I'm planning to start tennis the second semester of this school year.</p>

<p>Stats now in Mexico (Tecnologico de Monterrey):
ECs: I'm starting my own club where we'll help foster kids and tutor them in Math, organize blood donations at school for High School and the university students, I'm also starting with this club the School news broadcasts like the kind they have in High schools in the U.S.</p>

<p>Even though the High school I'm in right now is considered the best in the country, as I said, it offers the math and Physics courses I already took in the U.S. I'm applying as an International Student (you guys can probably guess why, even after living in the U.S. for 9 years). I'm in the IB right now. Also, I don't know if this helps but last year, a student not from the IB program at the high school I'm in right now was accepted into MIT which maybe means that MIT understands that more advanced math courses are not offered in Mexico so maybe that means that this doesn't affect their decision. </p>

<p>Unis I’m applying to (have to narrow down the list):
Harvey Mudd
Chicago University
John Hopkins
Imperial College

<p>The ones below I’m definitely applying to as I believe they are need-blind for Mexican Int. Students and the most I would be able to pay is $5,000.
o Harvard
o Princeton University
o Yale University
o Dartmouth College
o Massachusetts Institute of Technology
o Amherst College
o Middlebury College
o Williams College
o UPenn (need-blind only for Mexican, U.S. and Canadian Citizens)</p>

<li><pre><code>O.k. So I basically feel like I ruined my possibilities of getting into an IVY, MIT, Stanford, and Caltech University by moving to Mexico, do you think I still have a chance?
<li><p>Can you guys help me Pick a really food safety school that offer a good math or engineering major? I was thinking maybe Texas A&M? But it has to offer student aid for internationals so preferably a private university.</p></li>

<p>There are no safeties in the US for international applicants who need aid. Period. If you are a Mexican citizen, your safeties are in Mexico.</p>

<p>Go to the International Students Forum, and look for posts by b@r!um. She has good advice for finding aid. Remember that what your family can pay, and what the universities think your family can pay are two very different things.</p>

<p>You have WAY TOO MANY reaches. They are all reaches in fact. How about matches and safeties?</p>