<p>I was pretty confident about choosing a PC notebook for UT, but after orientation and seeing that everyone (well mostly everyone) uses a MAC, I am beginning to get second thoughts. After hours of comparing notebooks, I've come down to a PC and a MAC. (yay lol)</p>
<li>Sony Vaio SR</a> Series</li>
<li>Macbook Pro 13'' </li>
<p>I am just a typical user that listens to music and likes to play on photoshop and stuff.
Can anyone give me a feed back on which I should get? </p>
<p>(Yes this is a PC VS MAC question)</p>
<p>There are other forums here on the CC forums about picking computers specifically. You might find better debates going on there.</p>
<p>What is your major? This can affect it if it has to do with design or engineering.</p>
<p>If you are just a typical user, I would suggest a PC. That’s what you’ve been using your whole life (I am assuming, based on your words) and therefore you should stick with what you are familiar with.</p>
<p>Why do you want a mac? Because everyone else does…? That’s a really crappy reason to pay more, imo. Go with whichever one is cheaper with all the stuff you want on it.</p>
<p>I have a mac book pro but I was going to be using graphic programs for my major and I do some heavy music/movie/photography stuff. Know that mac has some limitations (games is one for sure and also there is a lack of security programs since mac is supposedly ‘immune’ to viruses - which isnt really true.) and even though you can run windows on it, there are still glitches that havent been worked out with that aspect of it.</p>
<p>Also, as a person who had only used PC until senior year, its not a hard transition if you choose to go that route. </p>
<p>And you are better off searching the forums for this question rather than posting because it’s been posted 87348375 times already.</p>
<p>Vaio’s are soooo much smexier*!* 
Since you’re just listening to music and doing some Photoshop, a PC would be the way to go.</p>