Help me find the ideal school?

<p>I'm looking for some schools (either in the northeast or around michigan) that are decently easy to get into. My stats are 1140/1800, 26 ACT, and 3.2 (ish) GPA with pretty good ECs. I'm looking for a school with a good history department that isn't too large but isn't too small. Also, a decent party scene would be a plus. I live in a small town in Northern Virginia and I'm dying to get out. Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. </p>

<p>I'm not just looking for an easy in, but selectivity will affect my decision making obviously. </p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Are you a Junior now?</p>

<p>I’m a senior, I’ve applied to a few schools and I have a few schools in mind. So, taking that into consideration I need schools that have application deadlines either Jan. 15th or later so I can get everything sent out to them. I appreciate any help.</p>


<p>can you give a list to which you have applied to? It might help to see your selectivity range and preferences</p>


<p>Providence College- Rejected
Santa Clara University- Rejected
University of Vermont- Deferred
Fairfield University- Deferred
Loyola Maryland- ?
Stonehill College- ?
Quinnipiac- ?
Michigan State- ?</p>

<p>Will Be Applying to (tentative list)</p>

<p>St. Joseph’s University
University of Scranton
Towson University
Marist College
UMass Amherst</p>

<p>…that list is not set in stone, so I want some suggestions that may be better then what I already have.</p>

<p>bump, also preference would be kind of suburban in a colder setting.</p>


<p>Loyola University Chicago (dunno how their history program is though). Maybe Fordham as a reach. I’ll get back to you w/ more suggestions.</p>

<p>If you like UVM and Stonehill you will like Saint Michael’s in VT</p>

<p>what does bumpppp mean? sorry to be ignorant…</p>

<p>bump the post to the top of the board.</p>

<p>Yeshiva if you’re Jewish.
Rutgers, but I think it’s pretty big.
U Conn, same deal as Rutgers.
University of Delaware.
Clark University.
Drexel Unveristy.
Northeastern University as a reach.
Wheaton College
Kalamazoo College
Drew Univeristy</p>

<p>And by the way, I unfortunately have no idea of how good (or if they even have one) their history departments are.</p>

<p>And bump stands for Bump Up My Post or something like that lol</p>

<p>Haha not Jewish, catholic. But thanks for the list. Rutgers and UConn are pretty big but i’m not one to talk since I applied to Mich State and will be applying to UMass. But Giggitus Maximus I’m liking the list it seems pretty solid, i’ll look into them.</p>

<p>Any others?</p>

<p>thanks… that makes sense.</p>

<p>George Mason University , in state , leaving plenty of beer money, accept 25 to 75% of students in ACT 21 to 25 range. History majors number 88 bachelor degrees per year, plenty of company.</p>

<p>No offense, but George Mason makes me want to like punt a small animal. It’s such a commuter school and I honestly would not be able to handle going to school there. Thanks though.</p>

<p>bummpppp… any easy in good schools you could think of? I am struggling so far with finding one.</p>

<p>Also, what does anyone think about Central Michigan University? Is it commuter? Is it not even worth it to apply from out of state since its majority in-state?</p>
