Help me pick a dorm room!

Next month I will be able to pick a dorm room within a learning community at University of Wisconsin-Madison. My question is, do I pick a room on a higher floor so I can get views of the capital building? Or do I pick a room that is near the ground floor so I can take the stairs? There is an elevator available. Is move-in more difficult on higher floors?

Lower floor with stairs!

When you are in your room it may usually be dark out anyway do views wouldn’t matter much.

I’m hoping to live in Chadbourne if that helps.

Double check when your dorm preference ranking is due to be sure you do not miss deadlines. You are not going to be spending your time admiring the view after the first week, if then. Not waiting for the elevator is better- especially when you forgot that one item.

My daughter lived on the 11th (top) floor of Chad for her first two years at Madison. Obviously, she loved the room and the floor, as did virtually all of people on that floor, as they all signed up for another year on the floor. I never heard any complaint from my daughter about waiting for the elevator. Of course, she is an active sort and thought nothing of taking the stairs, up or down, 11 floors if she had the time. But others are right, you aren’t going to be in the room that much during the day in order to enjoy the view. As for moving, it’s not difficult as there are large wheeled carts provided that hold an amazing amount of stuff and it takes only two, possibly three, trips to move everything in or out.

I’d choose the higher floors personally. Better view and less noise from people on the ground. And if there’s a view from the study area in the dorm then you can look at it whenever you’re studying. But you would have to be ok with taking an extra minute or two to get to and from class.