<p>Hey so I've been thinking a lot lately about what my major should be in college and I'm having trouble finding the right fit. I absolutely LOVE physics. I find all of it interesting, kinematics, electrostatics, and even quantum theory, and it really holds my interest. I also really like (but not quite love) chemistry and it apparentely comes pretty naturally to me. I know my heart lies in research and theory testing i just can't seem to find that perfect fit that marries them all together. Any advice? (ps advanced theoretical math and stuff like calc is not an issue for me either)</p>
<p>A college major is a foundation, not a specialization. Whether you’re a physics major with a bent for chemistry or a chem major with a strong physics/math background makes little difference in where you can go from there. There are fields like chemical physics and physical chemistry that blur the lines beyond recognition.</p>