Help needed with unfair rejection at Purdue

I have already called them more than 5 times. When I called today, they stated that they agree that the glitch was in their website but they can’t help. From the conversation I felt that there are more students who are in the same boat

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Good suggestion - I am writing to their upper management today (as suggested by momofboiler1). If they don’t do anything, I will reach out to media with the story. I hate to do that but Purdue is leaving me without a choice


Out of curiosity, when was she accepted (date)? Was it early admission (not familiar with Purdue’s process) or RD?

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The acceptance deadline is the same for both EA or RD - May 1st.

Did she ever get an email from them after accepting (“welcome to Purdue”)? Can you call your bank and see when the e-check was requested/issued? It takes several days for it to clear but they should have a record of when the funds were requested.

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I’ll repeat the question, when was she accepted? EA or RD?

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Because this glitch likely impacted more students than they now have space for.


They still need to be held accountable for this error though. Whether it was one student or a thousand, Purdue didn’t act in good faith to let them know about this glitch before the deadline to deposit passed at most schools. Now, like this student, many are presumably stuck in no man’s land for the fall as other schools would be under no obligation to allow a late deposit, and may not have space at this point to accommodate students after the deposit deadline.


I am the one who suggested going to the media. I would let Purdue’s administration know that that will be your next step. I would also tag them on social media (Use the “@” address, not a hash tag – though, I’m not so knowledgeable about social media, if you are like me, ask your daughter).

If this glitch has affected other students then that’s an even bigger news story.


I am so sorry this happened to your daughter! Definitely use the media and be sure to get a lawyer involved if needed…keep us in the loop.


I would also look up the Twitter account for Purdue admissions and tweet them about it. I have seen that work with other admission questions. Social media is powerful.


Thanks for your wishes!

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I did not know what to do so I created this chat and I am thankful for all the suggestions I am getting.
They informed me that they are not going to be able to use the waitlist as they already have too many students so that is not an option.
They reached out to me an hour back and have apologized and have offered to find some sort of alternate solution.

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Was she offered a scholarship and/or federal student loan? If so, did she accept them when she enrolled? (Brainstorming a list of additional potential broken contracts) I’m not the call an attorney type of person, but I think this warrants a consult. Make sure to get the fed reference number of the payment.


This is the glitch: They offer both summer session fall session on their website. My daughter was accepted for fall session when she noticed that she is able to select summer session, she selected it and paid the money.

Their site is broken for this logic so the money sat there and system did not send confirmation email to her. She reached out to admissions next day so someone started the transaction and asked her to wait 24 to 48 hours.

Next day was weekend so the money did not move, they cancelled her admission for fall because system did not find any payments.

When I called and provided the information screenshots, they could locate the payment but they did not know how to fix it so they simply decided to drop her.

They have reached out to me an hour back and accepted the issue and offered to work with me to find a solution. They still will not accept her for fall though.

She did get an offer of student loan but she had not accepted it yet.

Thanks! I am going to keep this as next potential step if they don’t make the things work.

Thanks! will do.

Exactly - they need to make student’s life easier.